
Why is so hard to raise construction productivity?

The entire construction industry is due for a revolution. Construction is an old sector, a lot of what happens is happening because that is how it has been done since long time ago. Application of information technologies is expected to disrupt operations, engineering or planning of construction projects.

At Deskia Consult we try to keep good ties with small construction companies. Although we can offer practical advice and proven paths on the digital transformation, they generally just search for freelancers to complete the designing task for small projects. There are obvious reasons why there is little acceptance of more ambitious consulting services within constructors. The whole industry is very traditional in the sense that most of what is learnt is what you do on the job instead of at graduate school. The risks of fatal consequences are very high. Financial and legal implications of failure ar huge. And short-term is what drives most small business after the real estate crisis.

All that being said, the fact that the construction is primitive provide extraordinary chances to cause disruptions.

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